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Dongguan Weize Hardware Co., Ltd

Elaborate production, sincere serviceFocus on the development and production of carbide rotary files 18922987188/0769-27221035





Mr. Lin: 18922987188

Landline: 0769-27221035

Fax: 0769-28055429

Email: sales1@wizzardtools.com

Address: Building 1, Wansheng Science and 

Technology Park, No. 15, Qinghua Road, Nancheng 

Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

How to improve the quality of alloy grinding head

Time: 2021-12-30 17:02:39  View: 893

Alloy grinding head has long been popularized and used abroad. It is an important tool to improve production efficiency and realize mechanized operation of fitter. Therefore, his role is definitely not one or two. Let's learn about it.

(1) Finish machining various metal mold cavities, such as shoe mold and so on.

(2) All kinds of metal and non-metal craft carving, such as mold carving, trimming of craft gifts.

(3) Clean the flash, burr and weld of casting, forging and welding parts, such as machine casting factory, shipyard, automobile factory, etc.

(4) Chamfering, rounding and groove processing of various mechanical parts, cleaning pipes, finishing the inner hole surface of mechanical parts,

(5) Polishing of impeller runner, such as automobile engine factory.

Alloy grinding heads have always been known as "industrial teeth" in the field of industrial production. As far as the whole industrial chain is concerned, alloy grinding heads are the manufacturing, grinding, grinding and polishing of almost all industrial commodities. In addition to being widely used in machinery manufacturing and other metal processing industries, alloy grinding heads are also used in grain processing, paper industry and the processing of non-metallic materials such as ceramics, glass, stone, plastics, rubber and wood. According to the requirements of users, products of various specifications can be customized. The product has fast cutting speed and is not easy to wear, which can significantly reduce the production cost and improve the economic benefit. Simple operation, no pollution, can effectively improve working conditions.

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