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Dongguan Weize Hardware Co., Ltd

Elaborate production, sincere serviceFocus on the development and production of carbide rotary files 18922987188/0769-27221035

F type wide tooth


F type wide tooth


Mr. Lin: 18922987188

Landline: 0769-27221035

Fax: 0769-28055429

Email: sales1@wizzardtools.com

Address: Building 1, Wansheng Science and 

Technology Park, No. 15, Qinghua Road, Nancheng 

Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province



Arc round head (type F) - wide tooth metric

Model: shape: F, RBF, SF

Specification: see table

Dimensions: see table

Remarks: it is applicable to machining narrow contour and surface contour


18922987188 / 0769-27221035



Arc round head (type F) - wide tooth metric

Model: shape: F, RBF, SF

Specification: see table

Dimensions: see table

Remarks: it is applicable to machining narrow contour and surface contour


18922987188 / 0769-27221035

  • Details

F型旋轉銼寬齒 (1).gifF型旋轉銼寬齒 (2).gif

F型旋轉銼寬齒 (1).jpg寬齒.jpgF1225W06旋轉銼_02.jpg


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